update : 23/12/2020


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Studied version : 4.6 Website : http://lucene.apache.org/solr - Google Pagerank : 7 Distributed by : Foundation (Apache) Licence : License2 Technology : Java Year of creation : 2006

Solr is an overlay of Lucene that adds functionalities and simplifies the roll-out of certain Lucene functions known to be excessively technical. Its development was initiated by CNET Networks, which decided to publish their work in 2006.

Solr is a corporate search server that centralises indexing and results serving operations. Solr can communicate with other applications via many protocols based on open standards. It also offers an admin interface in web mode. One of Lucene’s major characteristics is its capacity to index the content by field or by attribute, meaning that a document is not analysed as a simple set of words; rather it is made of fields, with each field being a string of words (terms). Solr makes it possible to take full advantage of this functionality. This allows for much more detailed management of relevance and advanced searches.  
Also noteworthy is the improved distribution of processing results and data thanks to the Solr Cloud functionalities included in version 4.0.
Solr is distributed under the Apache License.


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Rate this solution the 29/04/2014

“ Solr est une référence dans les moteurs de recherche open source. ”

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FR Philippe BRUNET
Rate this solution the 27/03/2014
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Ohloh users rating 4.68 (40 votes)
lines of code 426807 lines
(for the 12 last months)
Programming Languages Java, JavaScript, XML, 7 Other
Tags realtime scalable search json enterprise java lucene spellchecker api faceted_search vertical_search facets highavailability
Download url http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/solr/
Ohloh page https://www.openhub.net/p/solr