update : 23/12/2020


2.8 4.0 3.4 5
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76%   Popularity on the site
67%   Popularity in the section
Studied version : 5.13 Website : http://www.silverpeas.com - Google Pagerank : 5 Distributed by : Enterprise (Groupe Oevo) Licence : AGPL Technology : Java Year of creation : 2001

Silverpeas is a collaborative and social portal. Developed between 2001 and 2003, the solution first came to life as proprietary software before its recent transition to open source.

Silverpeas stands out for its significant functional depth and generally user-friendly ergonomics. Although the product’s visibility remains chiefly national at present, Silverpeas is a very interesting option for quick builds of simple collaborative portals. Silverpeas is not just a portal, a CMS or a collaborative work tool. In reality, it is at the crossroads of these three dimensions. It is a portal, because it can compile heterogeneous resources. It is a CMS, because it provides for easy builds of mini-sites with a simple WYSIWYG interface. It is a collaborative tool, because it includes project management tools with tasks and an integrated Gantt diagram, a shared calendar, a forum, a blog and a common directory.
Silverpeas is distributed under the Affero GPL v3.
It is written in Java and complies with standards JSR 168 and 286.


Smile Visitors (7 Opinion)
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2.8 5
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Users opinions See all opinions (7)

FR Aurore Allibe
Rate this solution the 22/07/2015

“ A really userfriendly plateform ! Will just have to be more popular ”

FR ludovic Bertin
Rate this solution the 30/01/2014

“ Solution très simple à mettre en place et à intégré dans un SI existant (connecteurs LDAP, database, ...) Solution JEE et donc facilement interfacable avec les autres briques d'un SI. La solution propose également des archétypes maven pour développer simplement des nouveaux modules tout en bénéficiant de la richesses des services offerts par le socle technique de la solution (Indexation, sécurité, framework pour générer l'IHM, moteur de workflow).... ”

1 person has the same opinion
FR Nicolas Dupont
Rate this solution the 09/11/2013

“ Solution fonctionnellement très riche, la plus riche que je connaisse dans son domaine. Cela étant en partie dû à son longévité exceptionnelle (plus de 10 ans). Majoritairement on utilise ses fonctions de CMS, pour un intranet ou site internet, mais aussi en tant que GED. Enfin, le produit est très dynamique avec des releases régulières. Le point noir : la notoriété. ”

1 person has the same opinion


lines of code 1028438 lines
(for the 12 last months)
Programming Languages Java, JavaScript, SQL, 11 Other
Tags collaboration lucene jboss content_management postgresql entreprise jsp j2ee collaborative cms java portal jcr ckeditor i18n izpack document_management maven community metadata
Download url http://www.silverpeas.org/docs/installation.html
Ohloh page https://www.openhub.net/p/silverpeas