update : 23/12/2020


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Studied version : 4.3 Website : http://www.eclipse.org - Google Pagerank : 7 Distributed by : Foundation (Eclipse) Licence : Eclipse EPL Technology : Java Year of creation : 2001

Eclipse is a scalable, multi-functional development environment, initiated by IBM in 2001.

Designed around a shared platform coupled with spin-off components, the project is in fact a composite of many sub-projects specific to the underlying technologies. The purpose of Eclipse is to provide tools that foster productivity, but not just in respect of software coding. It includes integrated development environments, but also design, modelling, test, reporting and other environments. Although Eclipse is written in Java, it can be used for developments in any programming language.
Eclipse is published under the EPL (Eclipse Public License). The Eclipse Foundation is now the official sponsor.
Eclipse is written in Java.


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FR Etienne Juliot
Rate this solution the 23/03/2015


Ohloh users rating 4.38 (690 votes)
lines of code 2484000 lines
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Programming Languages Java, XML, HTML, 10 Other
Tags here name tag enter platform eclipse tools osgi rcp programming swt
Download url http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
Ohloh page https://www.openhub.net/p/eclipse