update : 23/12/2020

389 Directory Server

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Studied version : Website : http://directory.fedoraproject.org - Google Pagerank : 5 Distributed by : Enterprise (Red Hat) Licence : GPL Technologies : C/C++; Java Year of creation : 2005

389 Directory Server, formerly Fedora Directory Server, is an LDAP server developed by Red Hat within the Fedora community. It is based on the source code of the venerable Netscape Directory Server, itself based on the original slapd code, which also gave rise to OpenLDAP. This means its origins date back to 1996, even if the first version of Fedora Directory Server came out in 2005.

389 Directory Server implements the LDAP v3 protocol and stands out from its rival solutions thanks to its graphical administration interface in Java and master-master replication support, thereby enabling read and write access redundancy. It should also be noted that 389 Directory Server can be used as a replacement for SunONE/JES Directory Server, thanks to its very similar code base, particularly useful given that SunONE appears to have been dropped since its acquisition by Oracle.
389 Directory Server is distributed under the GPL.
It is mostly written in C, with some portions like the GUI in Java.


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FR Thierry .
Rate this solution the 28/03/2014

“ La documentation plus riche est à consulter sur le site du même produit dans sa version avec souscription : RH Directory Server. La Politique de Gestion des Mots de Passe gérée par cette annuaire est très poussée : mdp sécurisés avec du hachage SHA, ctrl appliqués lors de la création/modification du mot de passe (taille mini/maxi, complexité, historique…), cycle de vie du mot de passe (délai de renouvellement…), protection contre les attaques (nb de tentatives, blocages/déblocage du compte)... ”

1 person has the same opinion


Ohloh users rating 4.67 (3 votes)
lines of code 685691 lines
(for the 12 last months)
Programming Languages C, Java, Autoconf, 15 Other
Tags directoryservice ldaps ldapv3 ldap ldap_server ldapserver ldap-server directory server
Download url http://port389.org/wiki/Download
Ohloh page https://www.openhub.net/p/port389