update : 23/12/2020


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3.3 4.2 3.8 5
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68%   Popularity on the site
55%   Popularity in the section
Studied version : 4.1 Website : http://www.spagoworld.org - Google Pagerank : 4 Distributed by : Enterprise (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica) Licence : LGPL Technology : Java Year of creation : 2005

SpagoBI is a Business Intelligence suite developed by Italian firm Engineering Ingegneria Informatica. The project was launched in 2005. SpagoBI is the only completely Open Source BI solution out there with a single stable release that includes 100% of the features.

SpagoBI is a complete suite offering all the features one can ask for a BI suite. It's strength lies in the fact that it offers multiple analytic solutions for end-users and a large range of tools for developers, testers and administrators. To cover the whole BI needs, SpagoBI integrates a large number of Open Source projects. SpagoBI is not simply an addition of solutions, it offers a powerful combination through its advanced model.

SpagoBI is a very flexible suite. It offers a number of engines that gives many options to the developer and let's her or him choose the one that best suites the needs. Based on open standards, SpagoBI is a combination of sustainable and open solutions. On top of these reporting and analytics features, SpagoBI offers MDM and ETL functionnalities.

SpagoBI is available under LGPL licence only. The is no commercial edition but the editor can provide support services.


Smile Visitors (4 Opinion)
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3.3 5
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Users opinions See all opinions (4)

EN Juan David Chaves
Rate this solution the 13/09/2013

“ SpagoBI 4.0 is a very powerfull BI suite, integrating traditional Bi tools, ad-hoc reporting, self service reports and Big Data. It is very powerfull due to its unique approach to Dashboard integration, cross navigation, Geographical information integration and CEM approach for real time BI. ”

6 persons have the same opinion
Rate this solution the 13/09/2013

“ Il faut bien noter que SpagoBI est la seule plate-forme décisionnelle Libre et Open source : la version disponible en téléchargement est la même qui est supportée. SpagoBI est la plate-forme décisionnelle qui offre plus de 20 moteurs décisionnels pour différents types de documents analytiques : à chaque question la bonne forme de représentation. SpagoBI dispose d'un modèle de sécurité simple à mettre en œuvre ! SpagoBI offre la possibilité d'ajouter son propre moteur. ”

9 persons have the same opinion
Rate this solution the 13/09/2013

“ Lors de la sortie du dernier Guide Open Source, j'avais fait remarqué la différence de traitement des solutions en fonction de la connaissance des consultants Smile. Elle est encore plus flagrante sur ce nouveau guide. SpagoBI vient de sortir la version 4.0 en Juin et ils ont vraiment améliorer le look du produit et apporter encore de nouveaux moteurs analytiques. Il faudrait surtout comparer ce qui est comparable : les versions "freemium" de pentaho et jasper ne sont pas professionnelles. ”

6 persons have the same opinion


Ohloh users rating 4.50 (2 votes)
lines of code 116778447 lines
(for the 12 last months)
Programming Languages JavaScript, HTML, Java, 19 Other
Tags dashboard reporting gis reports business-intelligence location-intelligence olap datamining realtime-bi datawarehouse java geobi multidimensional
Download url http://forge.ow2.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=204
Ohloh page https://www.openhub.net/p/spagobi

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