How to contribute to an open source project without being a developer?

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There are numerous ways to participate in an open source project without having to contribute to the IT development., a site that focuses on the application of open source in different disciplines reveals several ways, other than developing, to contribute to an open source project.

Use, report, distribute, give ...

To help a project to develop, you can report bugs (specifying the version of the software used and the specifications of the computer).

The distribution of creations under a Creative Commons license (images, books, programs, tutorials ...) also helps promote the "open source spirit." As for the software, you have the choice between two types of license: CC BY-SA, which requires the transfer of a license or a similar license for derivative works, and CC BY, which does not have this requirement.

Finally, donations and promotion are always welcome. The latter can be simple and unobtrusive, for example in the form of a reference to the software on the website. invites contributors to always be professional in the use of open source solutions and in discussions about them.

Document, translate, create ...

For that with more time, a good way to help the user community is to improve the documentation of the solution. To carry out this task, the site the use mailing lists to obtain, when necessary, clarification from the developers of the solution.

For aspiring contributors who speak a language which is not widely spoken, translation is a welcome activity, for example translation of the interface, documents, etc. Developers or persons responsible for the documentation will guide you through this process.

In addition, certain non-development skills, including interface design, can help and improve the solution.

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