How to participate?

By publishing this repository of the best open source solutions, we made a point of involving the users and experts of these tools.

We wanted to offer another point of view other than that of Smile, which we have always agreed to be subjective, even if it is based on real analysis, serious criteria and hundreds of projects each year.

Propose a solution

To propose a solution that is not in the repository, you can use the link "propose a solution" at the top of every page just below the search engine. If the solution is open source and is considered professional, then it will be added to the repository. Nearly 300 solutions are already referenced, do not hesitate to propose alternatives that have been omitted or have emerged since the latest version of the repository (the White Paper "Open source guide" comes out at the end of each year in a paper and PDF format.

Write a review

To write a review on a solution, just go to the page of the solution in question and click on the "write a review" link. A form will open allowing you to give ratings for the solution and write a review. It will be published once you confirm your email. All opinions are taken into account for calculating the ratings, you directly influence the classification of solutions.
