Magento Enterprise edition What improvements have been made ?

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The new version of Magento Enterprise has numerous improvements concerning tax management, security and functional features from the community version.

Magento Enterprise Edition has corrected problems relating to VAT and FTP management:

  • VAT tax calculation issues for cross-border trade
  • Tax rounding issues when multiple taxes are applied
  • VAT and FPT calculation issues for bundled products
  • Support for the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (W.E.E.E.) recycling tax in the EU

Regarding security, improvements have been made relating to potential weak links in the security platform. Furthermore, the Secure Payment Bridge has been updated and is now PA-DSS certified.

Concerning the functional side, improvements made by the community for the future release Magento CE 1.8.10 have also been added.

"This minor release brings much needed corrections relating to tax calculation, and you can appreciate the integration of changes proposed by the community, highlighting the essence of Magento's open source attitude" commented Vincent Sprit, E Commerce Expert at Smile.


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